Code Breakers
Hello Latin students! Please keep arms and minds inside of the vehicle at all times as we embark on this journey into the Latin language. Latin is like a puzzle - a code waiting for us to crack, and trust me, it can become an extremely enjoyable language to learn.
Follow along with the Lesson videos by downloading the FREE video companion guide.
Or, watch Code Breakers on The Rooted Minds Learning Community, where you can download supplemental materials and access the videos via an app!
Hello, we are about to finish Code Breakers! It has gone very well! Thank you for this great introduction into Latin. The resource packet we purchased from you worked very nicely with the videos. My daughter was able to work through everything independently without complication. We would like to know what you recommend next for us!
Hi there! I’m glad you have found Code Breakers a helpful resource. Code Breakers was designed as a launch pad into Henle 1 Latin. If your daughter is using Henle 1 in the near future, my recommendation would be to start watching our videos that go along with the Henle exercises and following along with our video companion guides. If you are hoping to take things slow, I would suggest working on memorizing vocabulary from Henle and practicing copying the endings she learned in Code Breakers. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
Hi! We are excited to get back into Code Breakers after the Christmas break, but it seems like Lessons 3 and 4 are not linked to the right pages. They seem to be linked to the Henle First year lessons. Can you check the links? Thanks!
Thanks for your interest and for noticing this! We will get the links fixed up as soon as possible. In the meantime, you can always find the Code Breakers videos on my Latin with Andy Youtube page for free.
Thank you so much! Your videos have been so helpful. I was terrified of leading Latin, but now I think I can have a conversation with my student and help them to see how simple finding the pattern is. I truly appreciate the effort it took to put these videos together and publishing them to help others.
We used Code Breakers this summer as a review of our Latin. We completed Challenge A in April so it was a great review to prep for Challenge B. My only negative is that I wish that you had all of the noun declensions as well as the verb conjugations as a Code Breaker style of teaching. It helped me greatly to see how you broke everything down. It will help make me a better lead learner in the Fall. Thank you for all of your hard work putting together these lessons! Keep up the great work. May God bless & keep you!
Hi, We are ready for lesson 7 and find that it does not have the same layout as lessons 1 thru 6, day 1, day 2, etc., with instructions. Lessons 1 thru 6 worked well for us. Am I just missing lesson 7 (and 8, 9, 10, etc) that have the work for each day? Thank you.
Thanks for asking! Codebreakers was designed to help launch kids into Henle Latin, and the rest of my videos at latinwithandy.com. Since it was intended as an “on-ramp” to highway latin, we only created lessons 1-5, each with 6 days of work. However, once you start using Henle latin, and watching my videos that go with its lessons, you will find your students to be very prepared. (For the first 9 lessons, they might think it’s easy!) My videos that correspond with Henle cover all 42 lessons of the first book, and the entirety of the second as well.
If you have more questions about latin or anything else, the best way to ask me quickly is to join the latinwithandy facebook group (if you haven’t already). Post your questions there and I’ll do my best to answer them quickly. You can also email me your questions at latinwithandy@gmail.com.
Good luck and happy translating!
I found an error in the answer key. For exercise 27 on Lesson 5, day 3, number 7, the answer key gives M as the gender for veritates. I believe it should be Feminine! 🙂
Yes, you are right! Thanks for pointing that out!
I’m a homeschooling mom who loves to learn along with my son. He blew past me in his Latin studies last semester, but I was determined to use the summer to catch up. I’m so glad that I found you! After finishing your Code Breakers program, I’m all caught up and ready to use your Latin with Andy program to help us both have another successful year studying Latin.
On another note, the Lesson 5, Day 5 video is marked “private,” and is not accessible. Thought you might like to know.
Glad it’s going well! I hope you have a successful year, too, and thanks for the heads up – we will check on it!
The video is back up and working. Thanks for the heads up!
We’ve almost finished the Codebreakers program and have loved it! The Lesson 5 Day 5 video is not accessible- is this something that can be fixed? Thank you!
Thanks for letting us know! It’s fixed now. Enjoy!
Hi I am not able to access week five day five video.
Sorry about that! You can try again…
Thank you!! it worked now