Instilling God’s Word In Our Hearts – Road Map Month 7
Mid-year check-up. How's it going? Are you still reading through the Bible with us? Well, to be honest, we have struggled consistently reading together since the summer hit. It's not that we've stopped reading our Bibles altogether, it's just that we're not all together as a family when we read. This has been a little frustrating for me. I had a plan. I wanted to keep the plan. Yet, God's grace abounds, and we will continue where we paused when we all get back on the same schedule together.
That's okay.
If you've been reading through *most of the Bible in a year with us, you know that God did the same thing with His children. They frequently got out of sync and needed to be reconnected to His Word and refocused on relationship with Him. That is exactly what Ezra and Nehemiah provide for God's people—a recommitment to the Lord, His Word, and His ways. It's not easy, but it is so worth it.
If you're just here to grab the next month's road map, you can download it here:
Instilling God's Word In Our Hearts
I love that we've been soaking in the big picture of God's Word this year. Unfortunately, even a year in the Bible is not enough for it to penetrate the depths of our need for Truth. This pursuit should take a lifetime, and as parents, we need to expect to spend years cultivating Biblical literacy.
When you hit a season when everyone is sick, company is staying in your house, or schedules are crazy, it's okay to allow for these disruptions. The journey we're on will take years, so we can't expect to conquer it in a day.
The real challenge is to not let these disruptions completely derail your vision and plans. Set a specific goal for when you'll start back reading together as a family, and then try some of these strategies for continuing to build Biblical literacy while you wait:
1. Read Your Bible in Public
Well, not really public but definitely out in the open where your kids can see you. They need to see you choosing to spend time in God's Word even when your routine is out of whack. Don't chase them around or be crazy obvious about it, but don't hide in your room even though the quiet might be appealing.
2. Keep Talking About What You've Read So Far
Our Western minds think that to keep making progress we must keep moving forward. However, you continue to instill God's Word in your children's hearts by talking about it. The more you discuss a story or idea, the more understanding they will gain. Stopping for a bit to let the material sink in is not necessarily a bad thing.
3. Memorize Scripture
Hiding God's Word in your heart is a gift in every circumstance. This doesn't have to be a big undertaking—just play some Seeds worship in the car or as your kids go to bed. The truths will lock in as they listen. Again, you don't have to conquer the whole Bible in a day, but a verse a week can really add up.
As you read through the twenty points of interest this month, watch how God restores relationship with His people and builds the excitement for the good you know is about to come!
Want the Rest of the Plan?
Click on the links below to read more about our complete reading plan. Start wherever you'd like to jump in!
- Month 1 - Beginnings
- Month 2 - Exodus
- Month 3 - Joshua to Judges
- Month 4 - Kingdom United
- Month 5 - Divided Kingdom
- Month 6 - Judah Falls
- Month 7 - Exile and Return
- Month 8 - Birth & Ministry of Christ
- Month 9 - Death & Resurrection of Christ
- Month 10 - Pentecost & the Early Church
- Month 11 - Beginning of the End
- Month 12 - Follow your favorite Advent program to review!
Betsy Strauss is an unexpected homeschooler, mother of three, who is in a relationship with a sweet man for life. She loves reading books, drinking coffee, and learning anything with her kids.