Top 5 Ways to Add Cottage Cheese to your Diet

Do you have those foods in your life that you feel like you know you should eat, but never feel in the mood to choose?  Part of my problem with eating is that I depend way too much on my feelings and not enough on truth.  So here's the truth: 1/2 cup of fat free cottage cheese packs 13 grams of protein.  Wow!  While I'm not going to go on a cottage cheese diet, I think adding this to my menu will fill in healthy options for the weaker moments of hunger decision making.

Top 5 Ways to Eat (2)

Cottage cheese is a great protein that is low calorie, and yet, I struggle with remembering how tasty and filling it can be.  So here are my top five ways to add cottage cheese to your diet:

1.  Tomato Basil Salad

#1 cottage cheese with tomatoes and basil

I first had cottage cheese with tomato on a cruise I went on with my mother and sister after graduating high school.  Surprisingly, it was refreshing and filling.  Add a bit of basil to your bowl and the flavors are amazing!

2. Protein Packed Fruit Salad

cottage cheese with fruit

Fruit can be troublesome to my blood sugar level if I don't pair it with some protein.  Cottage cheese provides a perfect partner.  If you'd like it a bit sweeter, add a few drops of liquid stevia, and everything blends so nicely.  Variety abounds as you could exchange any fruit in this snack.

#3 Savory Avocado and Bell Pepper Salad

#3 Cottage Cheese with Avocados and Bell Peppers

Bell Peppers are so juicy and fresh.  Top cottage cheese with chopped bell peppers, a little sliced avocado, then drizzle a little balsamic vinaigrette over the top.  The flavors come together in a scrumptiously savory's worth a try.

4.  Hidden in your Scrambled Eggs

#4 Cottage cheese hidden in scrambled eggs

Is it a texture issue?  When you add cottage cheese to your scrambled eggs, it melts down and adds a creaminess to your eggs that you'd never guess came from cottage cheese.  It is a healthier option than adding milk, and it ups the protein factor.  Yum!

5.  Hidden in Protein Pancakes

#5 Cottage cheese hidden in protein pancakes

I was introduced to these lovely little treasures when I started reading Trim Healthy Mama. The Trim Healthy Mama pancakes are quick and easy to make, and they don't require any complicated ingredients. Revolutionizing my thinking on healthy breakfasts, I now have found that a couple of these pancakes for breakfast, served with fresh fruit and a light drizzle of sugar free syrup not only tastes great, but feels great a couple of hours later when I can still think straight because I haven't crashed from my morning sugar binge. Amazingly, these breakfast beauties don't taste at all like cottage cheese!  Try them! Try them! You will like them!

So there it is.  I'm adding cottage cheese to my diet in yummy ways.  How do you like to enjoy your cottage cheese?

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