Learning Latin is an important aspect of a truly Classical Education.
When you can see the truths about your own language while studying an orderly and systematic language like Latin, you gain a deeper understanding of how words work. It's a beautiful thing.
Unless absolutely NOTHING MAKES SENSE!!!

So Why Does It Seem So Hard?
Maybe you've never studied a foreign language before, maybe you're used to learning living languages to converse with living people, maybe you just don't have the time to devote to figuring it all out on your own...

That's how we felt too!
My son, Andy, and I dove into our Latin studies together, and we've fallen in love with the language.
As a busy homeschooling mom, I know that when assignments are piling up, the household chores are neglected, and you feel like things are slipping through the cracks, sometimes I just need a little help to help my middle and high school students push through a tough concept—especially when it's something I didn't learn AT ALL when I was in school.
That’s why we created the Latin with Andy membership site.
We want to partner with you in your pursuit of Latin in hopes that you'll fall in love with it as much as we have, or at least be willing to not kick it to the curb!
“Latin with Andy has empowered me and my student with confidence as we learn Latin. His constant encouragement and positive attitude are contagious through the screen. I am inspired that his team has done the hard work to equip us parents in our teaching. My daughter is inspired by such an incredible role model who truly enjoys Latin. Latin with Andy is an invaluable resource for anyone wishing to learn Latin!”
— Priscilla B.
Quarterly membership
(3 months, non-recurring)
Yearly membership
(12 months, non-recurring)
Here's the Good News: It's Easier Than You Think
Latin with Andy helps your student learn Latin with 3 simple tools:

1. Latin with Andy Curriculum
Short 2-7 minute videos demonstrating Latin concepts for a solid grammar level understanding of how the language works, along with quizzes accompanying every lesson to test your students knowledge of vocabulary and grammar.

2. Printable Resources
Students can download worksheets that correspond with each lesson to follow along with the videos. Grammar mastery charts and other downloads will also be available for download.

3. The Forum (Free)
Join the online community of Latin Learnings in the Rooted Minds Learning Community to Gain access to discuss tricky translations and concepts, and to directly ask Andy your questions.
“Our family is so appreciative of Latin with Andy. Not only has Andy’s instruction helped my kids work through the Henle book, but it’s helped their teacher (me) understand and apply each lesson in order to discuss it more effectively at home and in community each week. He explains each lesson and works through each style of exercise in detail. Also, his lessons from Henle 2 offer detail you just can’t get from the book at times. The videos, worksheets, and learning aids create a great package to help any parent and student get started learning Latin with Henle and continue on even when Latin gets tough!”
— Christy B. & family
Here's What You Get in Latin With Andy:

Features of the Latin with Andy Video Library:
- 100s video demonstrating how to work with the Latin language
- Resources correlate with the First Year Latin Henle text, and now includes resources for the Second Year Latin Henle text as well! NOTE: ANDY DOESN'T DEMONSTRATE THE EXACT EXERCISES FROM THE BOOK, JUST SIMILAR ONES! See the FAQ for more info.
- Access for your whole family!
- Tips and tricks for how to approach Latin studies from a student's perspective
- Videos organized by lesson with the concept listed in the notes
- Students can navigate through the lessons at their own pace
- Go back and review old concepts
- Start wherever you need help!
- Ad free learning zone to help your learners focus!
- QUIZZES for every lesson to test your students knowledge of vocabulary and grammar!
- In-Lesson comment section to ask questions to Andy and the community

Printable Resources Include:
- Worksheets for students to follow along with the examples in the video
- Access to ALL of the Family Style Schooling Latin Charts to help students review basic Latin grammar (Declensions and Conjugations) - a $12 value
- Printable flash cards with vocabulary from the Henle text - a $15 value

Join us on the new Rooted Minds Learning Community!
The Forum is free, a safe space to connect with other Latin Learners:
- Opportunities to ask questions about tricky translations
- Ask Andy for help to walk through your Latin questions
- Derivative inspiration for connecting Latin to the English language
- Connecting with other Latin students for more support and encouragement
Join the free community HERE
“Thank you so much for this amazing resource!
It’s so much easier to follow his videos than reading the Henle books.”
— Caroline K.
Want to Try It Out Before You Buy?

But what if you just don't like Andy's teaching style?
It's always hard to commit to investing in a learning tool if you don't know if it will work for your family.
Check out Lesson 1 - Nouns of the 1st Declension with all of the features.
Download the lesson worksheets and follow along with the videos. If you love it join the community!
Quarterly membership
(3 months, non-recurring)
Yearly membership
(12 months, non-recurring)
Can you suggest how to create a Latin notebook! Last year we used the CC workplace but this year we are going to use your videos. Also, we noticed the tabs on your Latin books, can you explain that system.
We either just use a spiral for our Latin exercises, or I’ve printed off the free worksheets from Magistra Jones for my kids to use. I explain the tabs in a video in my post about setting up your Latin resources! Hope this helps!
Is this suitable for F/E level students? My boys are 10 and under.
It would work well if your students have had at least a year of Essentials. Just take it slow, and it would be a great way to start learning Latin with your kids!
My daughters and I viewed your video, Andy, and we really enjoyed your teaching style. However my daughters are finishing up First Form now and are not planning to transition into Henle until after Third Form. Do you recommend subscribing even though you will be teaching Henle? Any plans to add a series for Form students?
Thanks for your response.
Mom Dee Dee, Lily and Olivia
We haven’t used the Form series, so we didn’t have it on our radar at this time. Since the foundations of Latin are the same, I would hope they could go together, it’s just that the two present the material in a different order.
Do you have anything for Henle 2nd year? My daughter is entering Challenge 2 this year.
Not yet. We’re working towards that, but we won’t have anything until next year. Sorry!
Any update on Henle 2?
We’ve posted the first 12 lessons, and we’ll have through 16 posted next month. You can preview the first lesson here!
Is it 1 video per leseon or are their several videos per lesson, digging into some of the various exercises?
There is a video to introduce the lesson, then a video demonstrating the concept practiced in each exercise.
How often do you do a lesson? Once a day/week/till mastery? I love this and want to use it with my Challenge A student and my second year essentials student. How does it correlate to the Challenge A lessons?
I would just follow the assignments in the Challenge A guide, watching the videos that go with the assigned exercises as you progress. Not every lesson is the same length. With your Essentials student, I would make a goal of making it through the first 3-6 lessons this year. You can go to the end of whichever lesson you want to make it through, find the last exercise and divide that number by however many weeks you’ll be schooling. Then you can see how many exercises they need to complete per week. If they make it through Lesson 6 this year, they can just keep going next year starting with Lesson 7 and they’ll have a huge advantage for starting Latin in Challenge A!
If we pay the $60, will we have access to these videos for a lifetime or just for the 12 months?
The subscription is for a year.
I purchased both the latin noun declension and latin verb declension booklet last year. How different are the exercises from the booklet?
The noun and verb paradigm practice is mostly about memorizing how nouns and verbs are formed. The exercises walk you through how those forms work together to make sentences and much more.
Thanks for making this resource available! We are in Challenge 1. How far through Henle 1 do you have lessons and resources for? Kristie Asimos
Kristie, we’ve posted resources through Lesson 10 so far, but our goal is to stay ahead of Challenge 1. Here’s our release schedule. Hope this helps!
Hi, I was just wondering if you were going to be catching up soon to this release schedule? I just purchased because it looked like you would be ahead of where I am at in my class. It looks like you are about 5 lessons behind your projections. Hurry Andy, I need help!!! 🙂
We’re not behind at all. We’ve posted through Lesson 16. Lessons 17-18 will be up by Monday. What lesson are you on?
Sorry, I was looking at the worksheet downloads at first, thinking it was the videos. Yay, so excited the videos are done! I really need this help! 🙂 Thank you, and again, sorry for my confusion! 🙂
I guess I missed uploading the worksheets there! I’ll add it on!
Hi! I noticed the note saying the special pricing of $24/ 3 months would end in December. Our budget is very tight and I would like to see if these videos help my new Challenge A student. So I was thinking of trying it for 3 months as a trial, but wondering if we will be able to renew at that price if we love it- or will price be more since that would be after December? Thanks for any info you can give!!!
I just sent you an email with options!
Would you please send me an email also with the same information? I may want to do it for the whole year. Thank you so very much!
I just sent you an email!
I, too, would like to know the options after December 2017. Thanks! Just curious, how old is the young man in the video?
Dana, we have had so much fun with this project that we’ve decided not to raise the price after December. Join whenever you want, and the price will be the same. Andy just turned 17!
Would you send me the email on the options too? I was thinking of trying this for 3 months and after that deciding if we want to renew for another three months or a yearly membership.
We actually decided to not raise the price in December…so take your time, and don’t worry!
I am a new Latin A tutor who is also new to CC. Would this be a helpful tool for me?
Absolutely- many challenge tutors are using this at home to prepare and teach their kids. The videos do not use the same vocabulary as Henle, but the concepts are explained and practiced one exercise at a time!
I am liking the worksheets.
Do they come with the answers as well?
The worksheets are really just companions to the videos, so all of the answers are demonstrated in the video.
Does Andy use the Classical or Ecclesiastical pronunciation?
This sounds awesome!
Are students to use Latin with Andy WITH Henle, or can it be used independently?
What ages would this be appropriate for, or what prior knowledge should the student have?
I currently have a 2nd grader and 5th grader getting their toes wet with Latin using Song School Latin 2.
My recommendation for your 5th grader is to get the Henle book and start really slowly. What I’ve done with my 5th and 6th graders in the past is start getting used to the way the Henle book works by working on a little bit every day (or week) as we gear up towards middle school. It would be great to have some basic understanding of English grammar. Understand that this library has resources for students through high school, so you won’t be able to use all of it, but it’s definitely a fun way to start! Lesson 1 is free, so you’re welcome to try that out (without the book) and see what you think! https://familystyleschooling.com/lesson-1-1st-declension/
Do each of your lessons/videos coorelate to one week in challenge A Classical Conversations? So for example, if my son is on his third week in Challenge A, he would watch Lesdon 3?
Not exactly. Each of the lessons correlate with a lesson in the Henle book. Lesson 3 is longer, so I think Challenge A gets a couple of weeks on that lesson. So you just watch whichever video corresponds to the exercises they’re assigned in the guide.
We are just beginning our homeschool and cc journey. My son is began challenge a at week 7. We are trying to catch up on missed weeks. Do you think this would help us his year or should we wait until beginning challenge b? Trying to figure out how to help us all not be too overwhelmed!
The videos would be a big help for not having to try to figure out what it all means on your own. There are also many charts and flashcards to download and print that would help with learning the grammar even if you’re not all caught up with the class.
Thank you for this! May I know how this is different vs Magistra Jones’ Latin course please?
Magistrate Jones’s classes are live and walk a group of students through a section of the Henle book. Latin with Andy is more of a video resource library where Andy demonstrates concepts similar to those found in the Henle book (with some different vocabulary). You’ll be able to watch whichever lessons you’re needing help with whenever you want. Hope this helps!
I absolutely love this site. It has saved me hours of confusion. I have also recommended it to my Classical Conversations Challenge class. Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to make these videos. You do a wonderful job at teaching and explaining the materials step by step. Thank you!!
I have just discovered this resource, thank you!!! I have a Challenge I student who has fallen behind and we feel he needs to go back and start close to Lesson 7. He will need to catch up to Lesson 36(?) to finish the year to be prepared for Challenge II. Will this resource be able to walk us through all of these lessons? Thank you!
Julie, your situation is very common. As the new concepts pile up, it’s very easy to feel like you’re spiraling out of control! The Henle book says in the introduction (or forward) that a student should master through lesson 26 before moving on to the second year Latin book. The first half of the second year book reviews many of the concepts introduced in the first book. Either way, we’ll have resources to help navigate through the various concepts! We’ll finish videos that cover the first book by the end of March.
Hi! Just checking in before we get all signed up. Thank you by the way for doing this and all of your work. I’ve told several families about already even though we haven’t signed up yet. Is the whole Henle book (all lessons) available? Also, are there videos for every exercise? Thanks!
We just finished the entire Henle 1 book, and there are videos explaining the concepts from every exercise!
I will have a Ch A student and a Ch 2 student. Do you have videos for the Henle 2? Also would I have to purchase 2 memberships?
We’re working on Henle 2 lessons this summer, so they should be mostly finished before September. You only need one membership for the whole family, and since it’s just really a resource library, they can both access it at the same time in different areas without messing with one another’s progress.
If I join, can I download all the flashcards so I can make them before next year?
Absolutely. All of the printables are available for download instantly, so you can use them as you like!
Do you sell flashcards already printed?
No I don’t. Sorry!
Hello! Could you please tell me what lessons in Henle 1 you have covered in your videos? Conjugating beyond Unit 4 is melting my mind!
We have videos that cover every lesson in the Henle 1 book! Let us know if you have any questions on conjugating!
Hi, we’re starting CC CHA mid-year and I’m deciding whether to purchase the Latin companion resource from Magistra Jones or join Latin w/Andy. What might be more beneficial for us? We’ve never done Latin before so it’s all new to us. Thank you!
Sorry for the delayed response! I love everything from Magistra Jones. It really just depends on your learning style. If you learn well with reading explanations, Magistra Jones has done an excellent job of simplifying the Henle text in a way that makes the material accessible. Andy does the same thing but for more visual learners. You may have already made your decision, but I hope this helps!
If I subscribe now for my Challenge I student will the year subscription overlap with Challenge II for next year?
Yes, you get exactly 1 calendar year from the time you subscribe. The membership will continue to renew until you can cancel, which you can do at any time!
Yes! You’ll have access to all of the resources which include all the Henle 2 videos.
Hello! Help!!! We are finishing up Henle 1 and will be doing Henle 2 next year. I only need a one month subscription for now. (Having trouble with the deponent verbs in indirect questions.) Can I do just the one month or can I split a 3 month–do one month now and two in the fall?
Are the videos in line with the exercises for Challenge B?
The videos cover all of the Henle 1 book, so you can just follow the guide and select the exercises assigned there. You’ll find all that you need for any assignment through Challenge II there!
Would this be helpful for a 6th grader just starting out in first form Latin.(memoria press)? Or is the lesson format so different it would be too confusing?
I think it might be challenging because it has a different scope and sequence. Henle starts with all the noun declensions before moving on to Verbs, whereas first form introduces the first Declension (Nouns) and first conjugation (verbs) together. Latin with Andy Code Breakers would work great though…it’s our introductory Latin video series. Check it out here.
My mom says that you are not her teacher but I think you are😉😘
Ha! Andy said, “I’m just the help!”
Hello, we are a CC family that moved to Scotland for my husband’s Phd. Our twins just turned 13 and I’m trying *somewhat* to emulate Challenge A w/o having access to a Challenge community over here :(. I actually purchased the Compass classroom videos b/c the teacher seemed like someone my boys would enjoy. He explains concepts well, has some quizlet vocabulary, and some worksheets and quizzes, but I’m finding the ‘translation/put into practice’ work lacking. Would Latin with Andy help in this? Do the worksheets you offer give the students the repetitive practice they need? Or would this be found mostly in a Henle or similar exercise book?
If you already have good instruction, the Henle book or First Form Latin would be the place you’ll find exercises to really practice the concepts you’re learning. I’m not familiar with Compass classroom, so I don’t know the order that they present the concepts, so you’ll want to pay attention to that! Blessings!
two moms recommended Latin with Andy to me this past week and I am SUPER excited to check out the codebreakers youtube videos this week. We’ll start with lesson one and if I really like it (which I think I will) we will probably join the community! But FIRST … when I watch the videos with my 11 and 12 year old (we were introduced to Latin with the book, “Getting Started with Latin” so they aren’t complete newbies) do we start with the Overview OR is that for me and we go straight into day 1 of lesson 1? Thank you!!
Start with the overview! It gives you the general idea of what you are going to be learning about in the upcoming exercises as well as providing you with tips that you and your students won’t want to miss! So excited that you are looking to join!
We have enjoyed using the Latin resources for the past couple of years, but I need to cancel my subscription. How do I do that?
We sent you an email about this from billing@latinwithandy.com. Let us know if you have any other questions!
Your codebreaker videos are AMAZING! I have studied Latin with my two older students, but my son and I are starting his Latin studies using your codebreaker videos and workbook. We both love it! My son has dyslexia, so I thought that learning Latin would be really hard for him. With your videos, we are having a blast! We simply watch a video every day, and then he works through the exercise, studies his vocab, and adds one entry to his latin dictionary. It feels too fun to be studying Latin. What is your overall plan for the codebreaker videos? I like your traditional vidoes, but the Codebreaker videos are very engaging. I also like the repetitive nature of them as you study vocab and declining, etc.
Also, please tell your parents that I love your backyard.
Alaina Gray
I’m so glad you and your son are enjoying our resource! I don’t have any plans right now for continuing Codebreakers. The goal of creating the resource was to provide younger students with the basics of Latin so that when they eventually started Henle in Challenge A, Latin would not be so scary. Codebreakers is the “on-ramp” to Henle. I wish you and your son the best as you continue learning! Happy Translating!
I am considering purchasing Henle Latin III for my 16 year old son to begin in the fall but looking for an online community or class that can help provide instruction, pace and/or at least one other understanding, knowledgeable, and interested Latin learner to bounce questions and ideas off of as he goes along. From all I can see, this is really geared towards helping with Henle Latin I and II. Is this correct? Do you know of any options (other than joining a Classical Conversations community) that could help with this? Thank you so much!
Kristen, thanks for the question! Because so much of Henle III is translation work, Andy has prepare various helps for the new translator. As you probably know, the Henle books are cumulative, so the advantage of having a resource library like Latin with Andy is that your student can go back and forth and review the things they need to review. Often Henle refers to grammar that has already been covered in one of the other books. Since our library covers every exercise in every Lesson in the first two books, almost all the grammar has been covered. In addition, you have lifetime access to a Facebook group where you can interact with other Henle and Latin with Andy students. If you are interested, you could try the quarterly membership. If you register, you can cancel your subscription (instructions in FAQ). This does not cancel your membership. You would still get a full 3 months of access, but you wouldn’t be charged again. Simply cancel as soon as you subscribe. I hope this helps! Let us know if you have any further questions.
Does this follow Classical Conversations? Like if we are doing week 2, would we watch your week 2 video and it would match up?
Thank you!
Latin with Andy was created to be like a resource library, so wherever you are you should be able to find your place easily. The videos are structured based on the Henle 1 and Henle 2 texts, so look to see what lesson/exercise the Guide shows and then find the corresponding video online. Andy explains the Henle concepts for every exercise so that your student can more confidently go back to the Henle text and complete what has been assigned from that book. We have video companion guides, quizzes, vocabulary flash cards, and a slew of other helps for you. You can go back to previous videos/concepts as needed any time so that your student can master what they need to master at whatever pace you choose. I hope that helps!
I see Andy videos on YouTube. Are those different then the ones that we’d be getting here on Family Style Schooling?
Yes, the videos on YouTube are for a different purpose. All the videos on the Family Style Schooling site are structured around the Henle 1 and 2 textbooks. There are hundreds of videos and printables to help students with every exercise in every Lesson. I hope that helps!
How far do the lessons/exercises go? Is this designed for Challenge III and IV students? Do lessons extend into book 2.
Andy has videos for every Lesson and every exercise in both Henle 1 and Henle 2. Challenge III students use book two for the first semester and then begin book 3 second semester. Andy created some handy printable documents to help Challenge III students transition into doing the translation exercises. Our goal was to help take students all the way through Challenge III and be a resource for Challenge IV students whenever needed. I hope that makes sense!
What is the difference between the $8/mo and the $5/mo subscriptions? Anything besides the frequency of payment? Thanks!
Correct – there’s no difference except frequency of payment. You will have full access to everything either way!
Is there a group rate, or does each person need to do their own?
Unfortunately, we do not offer group rates, but families are certainly allowed to share! Let me know if you have more questions!
Is it possible to access the group without a Facebook account? My family decided to get rid of our facebook accounts. If not, any chance of starting a group on a different platform such as MeWe or Gab?
Thanks for the suggestion! We aren’t quite ready at this time to delve into a new platform, unfortunately. Since Andy answers almost all of the Facebook questions himself, you could email him at latinwithandy@gmail.com and try that. I hope that helps!
We have enjoyed this service but no longer need the subscription. Can you direct me to where to go to cancel.
It’s no problem at all! You can go to FAQ and find where and how to cancel there. You can also email lwabilling@gmail.com for support. Thanks!
Do you have videos available for all the translations in Henle 2? Also, are videos and printable documents available for Henle 3?
We have videos that cover all the concepts and exercises for Henle 2, but we do not have any videos for Henle 3. Much of what you go over in Henle 3 actually overlaps with Henle 2 – mostly just review except for the last few lessons in Henle 3. By then, your student should be well prepared to tackle Henle 3 on their own!
Hey Betsy! I purchased your Noun chart pack and Verb chart pack, but they were deleted from my computer! ACK! How can I find these on your website again and is there any back-dating to get access to the files again? My ChB daughter needs some verb practice lol!
I just sent you an email! Check your inbox and let me know if you didn’t get it!
My daughter will be starting Challenge I in the fall with no Latin experience. If we start your program now in the summer, how far do you think we could get into Henle in approximately 8 weeks? Thanks!
Hey! Sorry for the delayed response! Though there may not be as much time anymore, I hope this answer helps you! It really all depends on the kind of pace you want to set. I would encourage you to continually consider how much time you are willing to spend on latin and what you are hoping to achieve. My suggestion would be to choose a set amount of time, maybe an hour a day, to spend on Latin. Get as far as you can, and celebrate your progress. By working this summer on Latin (and considering previous challenge years), you may be able to evaluate your pace for this upcoming semester. The guide in Challenge 1 goes pretty fast. Unless it’s changed recently, I believe it takes you through most if not all of Henle 1. When I did Challenge 1, I only made it through lesson 26 or so. One option, if you’re trying to make it through lots of lessons, is that you might consider having your student do only half of each exercise, or at least, enough to where they understand the concepts. Essentially, focus on the concepts, do your best, and celebrate progress! I hope this helps! In the meantime, let me know if you have more questions!
How many downloads will be required with this curriculum? I have heard good things about it, and we’ve been procrastinating on starting Latin studies, but downloading/printing is another cost that we need to consider.
Thank you…..
It’s completely up to you. Your student may even be able to view the files on the screen. There are hundreds of printable helps, but they are all at your discretion as to whether you print them or not. I hope that helps!