Highlighting Method for Non-Fiction

Last week I introduced you to the highlighting method that changed how I think when I read a book.  The great news is that it works for non-fiction as well.  While the colors are generally the same for both, I approach non-fiction a little differently.  Caution – you have to own the book before you…

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What is a Commonplace Book?

Recently I realized how often I quote movies.  I grew up in the age of an amazing invention:  the VCR.  This meant I could spend hours watching and re-watching any great movie I came upon.   Don’t get me wrong.  I was an avid reader as well….of Nancy Drew and Sweet Valley High.  But those…

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How Highlighting Changed the Way I Think When I Read

Last year, while tutoring Challenge A, one of the greatest tools I learned was Andrew Kern’s highlighting system.  It is a color coded process for marking books.  Recently, Sarah Mackenzie hosted a webinar where Andrew taught her about the system. It is worth a watch. For those of you who are skeptics about marking in books,…

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