Mo Willems’s Pigeon Books: Who Doesn’t Love a Pigeon Craft?

Mo Willems Pigeon Books

Only Mo Willems can make a Pigeon endearing and hilarious in a children’s book.  I first met the Pigeon and the Duckling at a friend’s house.  Her son was cracking up over this crazy duo and the way Mo Willems brings their interactions to life. I found a great selection of these Pigeon books at…

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So you think you might like to start a blog

How to Start a blog

I never would have imagined six months ago that I would be one to start a blog.  At the time, my husband and I were looking for creative income streams, and I thought he would be great as a blogger.  He loves to write, so why not? We went to a meeting our friend who blogs at Laugh…

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12 Resources for the Overwhelmed Homeschool Mom

Overwhelmed Homeschool Mom

So I know since I write a blog about homeschooling I should’t know anything about being an overwhelmed homeschool mom.  The truth is I write because I have often found myself engulfed by my current circumstances and discouraged by the journey that is before me. See proof below (And no…I did not stage this table…

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Sunday Reflections: Love is in the Air

Sunday Reflections

Life at the Strauss House… With a wedding at the end of the week, we had to be really efficient at the beginning of the week.  I say that, but life doesn’t always happen that way.  Sometimes you have to readjust priorities for that week and just get the major tasks done, and let the…

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5 Simple Ways to Cultivate Sweet Dreams

5 simple ways to cultivate sweet dreams

It’s amazing how different kids can struggle with nightmares that rob them from sweet dreams.  My youngest is my most sensitive child, and even though she’s better now, there were many nights when she would find her way into my bed terrified from a bad dream.  As much as I love those sweet snuggles, I…

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