Ready, Set, Race! 5 minutes of Rapid Recall

Essentials Chart Race

So often our homeschooling day becomes filled with tasks that need to get checked off of a list, that essentials like drawing maps, copying charts, or memorizing vocabulary are overlooked and forgotten. To make things worse, the only way to memorize maps, charts, or vocab is through daily repetition.  When we started Challenge A, we…

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Just the Bare Necessities for Classical Conversations Foundations

Foundations with Littles

When I first started homeschooling, my kids were 9, 6 and 4.  I mainly focused on my 9 year old, because school felt serious, and I didn’t want to mess him up!  Thankfully, my girls just hitched a ride along with their brother and joined in on the learning.  That year, I didn’t know about…

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60 Places to go in North Texas to Observe Nature

Living in the concrete jungle, or even suburbia, you can’t just walk out your back door and find a wealth of options for observing nature.  While there are plenty of bugs, trees, and birds to watch in my back yard, sometimes I’d like to inspire my little scientists with more.  Here’s my list of 60…

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How Involved is Your Husband in Homeschooling?

  Today’s post is brought to you by my husband Jason!  Since we started off with our son in public school, Jason and I have transformed our thinking about home education. Now he enjoys tutoring classes at our local Classical Conversations community.  We have struggled through this journey, but I hope his experience brings you…

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Cultivating Your Inner Scientist

  My sweet little Ellen (9) loves to explore outside and would spend the day digging in the dirt if I let her.  Last week I found her with a mason jar and a notebook deep in a scientific investigation.  Promptly I gave her my camera and set her to work chronicling her discoveries (all…

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