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Math Games Madness – Hundreds of fantastic math games!
A good teacher can extend the learning beyond the textbook, beyond the one-hour time segment, and beyond the official school day. Games have always been my secret weapon for keeping the learning going. Math is a subject that often gets a bad wrap for being boring, tedious or a drudgery. With a few simple math…
Read MoreFinding Noah: Inspiring Documentary for a Fun Movie Night
I love family movie night. There’s just something about slowing down from a busy week, snuggling up with my family, and pigging out on fun treats. I’m always looking for a good way to maximize this viewing time to further our family’s education. Since we are studying ancient civilizations, the documentary Finding Noah was of particular…
Read MorePlans for a Freshman: Revisited
Yesterday I revisited my schedule plans for my grammar stage girls and how that’s been working. Today I’m going to revisit my son’s schedule for his freshman year and let you know how that’s working for him. You can read the original schedule post here, but most of the important information is still here. My…
Read MorePlans for a New School Year – Revisited
It’s been a little over two months since I shared my plans for a new school year. Its always good to go back and review how things are going…and adjust/edit as needed. I have most of my original post below, but anything written in blue will be my commentary on how it’s actually working. This post may contain affiliate links. Please…
Read More5 Must-Reads For Developing a Vision in Homeschooling
Where there is no vision, the people perish Proverbs 29:18 Vision, while difficult to form, is necessary for peace in homeschooling. If you have no vision, there will be no end to changing of curriculum, programs, or directions. Don’t attempt to go to a homeschooling book fair, or you’ll be sunk for good because you’ll see…
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