Snap Circuits: Hands-On Learning Stations

snap circuits

Electricity powers our world. It is a fascinating facet of science that kids love to learn about. The challenge is finding a way for them to experience this energy source in a safe way…especially if you don’t have a licensed electrician handy to oversee the hands-on experience! Snap Circuits are one of my best homeschool purchases…

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Construction Fun: Hands-On Learning Stations

Science is generally a subject that has been neglected in modern education. I’m sad to say that it also can be something that gets neglected in my home school as well. There are just so many things to get done, it tends to find itself on the back burner. This is not my desire! I’m…

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31+ Days of Hands-On Learning Stations

hands-on learning

Our homeschool has been up and running for the past six weeks, and it’s usually around that time when I need to reassess our homeschool schedule and make adjustments so that we can survive the rest of the year. One of my scheduling fails was not giving my teen daughter any individual study time with…

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Uncovering the Plot: Literature Studies for Teens

I’m guest posting again on Bright Ideas Press! This time I’m sharing tips for identifying the plot of a story. Here’s a little teaser, but make sure to hop on over to read the full article. Literature holds mysteries just waiting to be discovered. The setting is a great place to start asking questions. The…

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The Perfect Gift for a Book Lover: The Book a Month Club

Gifts are always so challenging for tweens and teens. For my daughter’s twelfth birthday, my mother-in-law gave her the best gift ever: a Book a Month Club. So there’s no program to subscribe to in order to automate this, but I think that makes it even better. Here’s how it works: each month on her…

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