Fun With Fairy Tales: Hands-On Learning Stations

Fairy tales are wonderful tools for cultivating virtue. Kids love them. They are saturated with truth, goodness, and beauty. They offer so much inspiration for fun and play that they make the perfect jumping off point for so many fun hands-on learning station ideas. I’m focusing on Language Arts this week in my 31+ Days…

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Letter Writing: Hands-On Learning Stations

Letter writing is a lost art. Even though I rarely ever get something real in the mail, I always check it hopefully. Just because something is fading away, doesn’t mean we should let it. Teaching kids to write letters can bring joy to others and connection with friends and family. I’m focusing on Language Arts this…

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Magnetic Sentences: Hands-On Learning Stations

When students are learning to write a sentence, they face a lot of hurdles. First, there is the physical act of writing anything that can be tedious, especially if they have been asked to use their hand for any other type of writing that day. Then there is handwriting. Can you even read what they…

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Playing with Poetry: Hands-On Learning Stations


Our homeschool routine is being transformed by hands-on learning stations. It seems the kids are happier, everyone is engaged in learning, and I’m not as exhausted by the end of the day. Win-win! I’m in the middle of a 31+ day series where I’m sharing hands-on learning station ideas. Last week, I focused on science stations. This…

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Fire Prevention & Safety: Hands-On Learning Stations

As homeschoolers, sometimes we miss the safety training that comes from public schools. It’s easy to forget that some things are not simply intuitive. Kids aren’t just going to know what to do if a fire breaks out in your home. I’m continuing my 31+ Days of Hands-On Learning Stations today with a special topic station to…

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