Online Reading Game to Encourage Struggling Readers to PRACTICE!

Online reading games to help struggling readers

My youngest and I have been struggling together over the past several years to get her to become an independent reader. She has grown leaps and bounds this past summer as we’ve really buckled down on practicing the basics of reading. Online reading games have been a lifesaver for me as they offer a neutral…

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A Search For Truth: Patterns of Evidence Review

Biblical documentary presenting patterns of evidence in Exodus

It always fascinates me when people try to classify the Bible as a fascinating story book but not a history book. Unfortunately, this is a common line of thinking in our society today. What if there was archaeological evidence to prove the historical accuracy of the Exodus account? That was the question Tim Mahoney sought…

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My Homeschool Scheduling Dream Planner: Flexible School Schedule

homeschool planner

Planning for our homeschool is one of my favorite things to do. There is just something exciting about being able to customize a unique plan for each of my unique children. While I can have an overambitious streak, I’ve settled into the realistic plan that we can hopefully accomplish. There is one thing I hate…

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Homeschool Writing Curriculum: Writers in Residence Review

Homeschool Writing Curriculum

It’s so fascinating how the brain works. My youngest, who struggles with reading, loves stories. She listens to audio books all the time, and her mind just overflows with tales of her own. Last year, she was so inspired by an art project that she wrote the back story of the character she drew. We’ve…

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Homeschool Reading Curriculum that Fosters a Love of Literature

Apologia's Readers in Residence

There are really only two elements to any basic education that matter: understanding words and understanding numbers. I love that being a part of Classical Conversations allows me to truly focus on these two aspects during the week because the other subjects are covered in our memory work. I’ve been hunting for a homeschool reading…

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