Spartanburg Methodist College – A Homeschool Friendly College

It’s my oldest’s junior year in high school this year, and we’ve been actively pursuing college options for his future. At first I was afraid that my homemade home school transcript wouldn’t hold much weight with college applications. However, I’ve been finding that colleges are noticing homeschooled students, and they like what they see. Spartanburg…

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5 Creative High School Electives to Round Out Your Student

It is easy to get lost in the academics of high school. There is a lot to think about with making sure the transcript has everything they need to meet the standards to graduate. However, there is more to life than checking boxes. Often times, the things that will be most important to rounding out…

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5 Paragraph Paper Alternatives to Teach Your Children

teach your children

We all grew up learning the mighty five paragraph paper format. You need an introduction, three main points, and a conclusion. While it is an excellent structure to learn, there are so many other ways to communicate ideas effectively that it important to teach your children other forms that they can use. If they have…

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How to Create a Personal Latin Dictionary

There is really no better substitute for learning Latin declensions and conjugations than copying the forms over and over. Learning hard things can be tedious work! Anything that is tedious, I believe, needs to be jazzed up a bit with some fun colored pens, and it can become a game. This year I’m helping my…

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