Home School Resources
Becoming a Contagious Reader: My Second 25 Books of 2018
I’ve been working on cultivating the quality of the reader that I would like to become. I’ve found that reading is contagious not only for those around me, but for myself. I’ve awakened an appetite for books that has kept me going through the first half of the year. Even though I wasn’t reading for a certain…
Read MoreSimple Homeschool High School Curriculum from 7 Sisters
This next year I will have two high schoolers in my homeschool. I am realizing how quick the time passes and how much I still want to be a part of their education. Even though we’re a part of Classical Conversations, I still am the teacher of my kids. That means that I get to…
Read MoreOur Adventure with the One Year Adventure Novel Curriculum
It was no accident that we stumbled across the One Year Adventure Novel (OYAN) curriculum at the Great Homeschool Convention this year. My son Andy bought it to dig into over the summer, and then we ended up signing up for their Summer Workshop in Kansas as well. God lined up this adventure for us, and…
Read MoreNote Taking In Summer Reading
Summertime is the perfect time to get ahead on reading. While I do still take time to read for fun, I love to start reading the books my kids will read during the school year. I encourage my kids to do the same. The only trouble with this reading ahead bit is that the stories…
Read More10 Award-Winning Programs Free For the Summer
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Homeschool Buyers Co-op. I was compensated for my time in sharing these resources. My goal in educating my kids is to cultivate lifelong learners. One skill I hope to pass on to my kids is that when we take breaks from structured learning, it doesn’t mean that we…
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