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Jona et Piscis Grandis – A Big Fish Translating Adventure
From the time students start learning their first vocabulary words and noun declensions, they are itching for a translating adventure—something to translate from Latin into English. The challenge is that even once they’ve spent years soaking up the grammar, it can still be very challenging to head to a text originally written in Latin and…
Read MoreMaster Latin Verbs with 4 Principal Parts Tests & Quizzes
When Andy and I first encountered Latin verbs, we felt lost and confused. He started to gain some understanding when he started copying Latin conjugation charts. However, we still didn’t understand the importance of memorizing the 4 Principal Parts of every verb in the vocabulary. After we discovered the vast importance of knowing each of these…
Read MoreStrengthen Translation Skills with Latin Vocabulary Quizzes
The two things that make working through Latin translations faster are memorizing vocabulary and memorizing the paradigms (declensions of nouns and conjugations of verbs). I’ve seen this first hand as I have worked through Henle’s First Year Latin text with my son. He worked to memorize the vocabulary with flashcards, and I hoped that I could flip…
Read MoreLatin with Andy – Behind the Scenes
In 2017, my son and I launched ourselves out on a crazy adventure that surprised us beyond measure. To celebrate a year of loving learning Latin with people all over the world, we’re taking a moment to give you a glimpse behind the scenes of Latin with Andy. It All Began With Some Worksheets I…
Read MoreInstilling God’s Word In Our Hearts – Road Map Month 7
Mid-year check-up. How’s it going? Are you still reading through the Bible with us? Well, to be honest, we have struggled consistently reading together since the summer hit. It’s not that we’ve stopped reading our Bibles altogether, it’s just that we’re not all together as a family when we read. This has been a little…
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