What do you want to be when you grow up?

As soon as your child hits a certain age, they are constantly bombarded with the question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I am guilty of asking kids this question. Generally we expect the answer to this question to fall in line with a familiar career path. Why is this? We were…

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Are You Ready for This? Preparing a Will

I have been meaning to get around to preparing a will for the last fifteen years. Why has it taken me so long to get this important document filed? Fear. I was afraid it would cost too much money, take too much time, and require too much emotional energy. But my children are worth it.…

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Mixing With the Masters – Famous Artists Inspired Projects

The arts are typically overlooked in our society.  They’re treated as a extra item even though they have a profound impact on how we view the world. Artists and musicians express the philosophies of their time. They communicate what can’t be put into words. As I equip my children to engage with the world, I…

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The Life We Never Expected Review

Imagine attending a beautiful dinner party with a group of friends. Your host appears with gifts for each of you. They’re small tennis ball shaped orbs wrapped delicately with a bow on top. As each of your friends opens their gift, they light up in delight at a delicious chocolate orange. Twenty perfectly segmented slices…

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Broken, Yet Free. Working on Being Unashamed


Over the past five years, my husband and I have been on a journey of healing from brokenness. It’s amazing how you can accept the forgiveness of God, and yet remain ashamed of who you were. I guess that’s not really accepting forgiveness then is it? Believing that God’s grace is sufficient means clothing yourself…

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