Latin with Andy Code Breakers

When we started making Latin videos for Latin with Andy in 2017, we had no idea what we were in for! We have learned so much on our journey, and we're excited to share a new branch of the Latin with Andy resources: Code Breakers!

Andy had the opportunity to work with some younger students and loved seeing how quickly they picked up on the concepts when they imagined they were breaking a code. In truth, they were, because that's what translating is: code breaking.

So we've come up with a way to share the basics of the Latin language in a fun and manageable way for our younger friends—a way to get their feet wet without drowning in the abyss of Latin grammar.

Code Breakers Videos

The best part of this resource is that all of the videos are FREE to watch on YouTube, or you can find them all organized here!

LWA Code Breakers consists of five longer lesson videos, each followed by six shorter videos that break up the main ideas into small bites to practice. At the end of each video, students are rewarded with little outtake clips that we had way too much fun making.

Along with these videos, we've created FREE Video Companion Guides and supplemental Daily Practice Worksheets, which will transform these videos into a more formal curriculum.

Download the Free Companion Guides!

Free Code Breakers Companion Guides

I’ll send you the handy note-taking guides to follow along with Andy's Latin Code Breaker Series.

Get the printable PDF by subscribing below.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    LWA Code Breakers Supplemental Materials

    This 88-page resource includes worksheets that take students step-by-step through the concepts presented in the Lesson overview video, including exercises, answer keys, vocab banks, charts, and everything you might need to grasp the basics of Latin with ease. They break the work down into quick, easy steps to start building those Latin muscles without wearing them out. The CodeBreakers Supplemental Materials are included with a membership to The Rooted Minds Learning Community.

    In addition, extra helps are included which give teachers an overview of what is introduced in each lesson, as well as a lesson plan for completing the material in a year, a semester, or even a week, depending on the age of your student.

    The final aspect of this resource includes a full-color answer key for teachers who aren't familiar with Latin to help walk their students through the basics with success. It can be intimidating to lead someone else down a road you haven't walked before. Answer keys are a great tool to help you get where you want to go!

    Who Could Benefit from Code Breakers?

    4th - 6th Graders

    We recommend that a student has had some formal English grammar study. So if you're in Classical Conversations, they could start Latin with Andy Code Breakers along with Essentials, or even better, after their first complete year of Essentials.

    7th and Up

    Anyone preparing for a more intense Latin course like Henle Latin could benefit from working through these videos. Think of it as an on-ramp where they can get up to speed without going from zero to sixty in a blink.


    Parents who would like to know how the Latin memory work transfers to their student's future studies could get a grasp of the importance and value of really learning that well.

    So what are you waiting for? Check out the videos and get excited about Code Breaking with Andy!

    Join The Rooted Minds Learning Community here! If you'd like, you can get our community access completely for free. With community access, you can watch all the codebreakers videos for free on Rooted Minds. With full access, you can download the supplemental materials, and you can access the 700+ videos of Latin content, benefitting students ranging from 5th-10th grade, and a library of fun printable resources. Come join the learning community!


    1. Kristen Petri on August 28, 2019 at 5:36 pm

      I purchased the supplemental materials. We made flashcards after watching the Lesson 1, Day 1 video. We are not seeing where the gender of the vocabulary words is listed anywhere. Am I missing this?

      • Betsy on August 28, 2019 at 9:55 pm

        In this series, gender is introduced in the second lesson. It will come…just not right at the first.

    2. Kim Bendis on November 10, 2019 at 10:31 pm

      Hello… I purchased the flash cards in August when school began, but can’t locate the file and need to print out the Units II & III. Would you be able to re-send them or allow me to download them again without having to purchase them again? Thank you! Kim

      • Betsy on November 13, 2019 at 8:47 am

        Since you are a member, all you need to do is go to the Latin with Andy dashboard and log in ( Then go to the tab called Printables and scroll down. You should see the flashcards for Unit 2 and beyond there.

    3. Heidi Pettis on November 18, 2019 at 12:37 pm

      Hello! I’m a member and would like to use the latin vocab quizzes but can’t figure out how to access them. Are they free for being a member? Also, I’m looking for help with 3rd Declension Adjectives. Is that in the Henle Latin Year 1 section? Thank you! Heidi

      • Betsy on November 20, 2019 at 9:10 am

        Yes, the printables are all free! You can access them from the Printables tab. You should find some information about adjectives there as well.

    4. Julie Kunes on April 29, 2020 at 1:40 pm

      My son and I are LOVING Codebreakers. I am SO blessed by you, Andy. My son loves watching you and loves that there are cool guys out there who also love languages. He really identifies with you, Andy. Thank you so much for doing Codebreakers. Now, he’s about to finish. He will be starting CC Challenge A in the Fall. What should we do after Codebreakers? I thought it would take all Spring and Summer but he’s almost finished! Should I go ahead and get Henle, start our Latin with Andy membership, and get him started? We would love any advice you can give. Thanks again!

      • Andy Strauss on April 29, 2020 at 10:09 pm

        Thank you so much for the encouragement. I’m so happy you are enjoying Codebreakers! It’s also good for me to hear that there are other cool guys out there who love languages like me ;). Sounds like he’s got a knack for it too – almost finished with Codebreakers! If he is interested and willing, it wouldn’t hurt to start Henle. You might even find it easy at first. Codebreakers introduces concepts from Henle lessons 1-10. However, if you can work with him through Henle lessons 1-3 over the summer, and get a strong foundation in nouns, he will repeat those lessons in Challenge A and no doubt feel very confident. From there on, he won’t have to worry about nouns, and can focus on new content he encounters. In essence, keep working to build a solid foundation! Learn some Henle vocab, and keep those noun endings fresh! Let me know if you have more questions. Keep up the good work, language lovers!

    5. Lisa Muniz on April 30, 2020 at 9:41 pm

      Betsy, my Challenge B class is doing so well with their Latin and now we are going into summer. Do you have a recommendation for staying in it through the summer? What would you tell parents to get their kids ready for the fast paced introduction as they come back for Challenge I ?
      Thank you so much. Latin with Andy has helped my own kids be more successful than my first that went through without it.

      • Betsy on May 5, 2020 at 4:18 pm

        I’m so glad it has helped! Learning Latin is like strengthening a muscle…if you don’t use it, you lose it. However, you’d be surprised at how much you do remember if you don’t look at it at all over the summer. I’m asking my daughter that’s heading into Challenge I next year to keep working on vocabulary and noun/verb endings. We might try quizlet for reviewing vocabulary to change things up a bit. We will probably try to start working on lessons 1-6 slowly through the summer since those are assigned for week 1! After working through them for two years though, they do seem pretty easy! If you’re not looking up endings and vocab though, you can really keep up with the review work pretty well through Challenge I. It always just gets harder when new concepts hit again! Blessings on your summer studies!

    6. Marni Chediak on June 1, 2020 at 7:06 pm

      I am so impressed with Code Breakers! Thank you! Is there a printable for flashcards for code breakers?

      • Betsy on June 27, 2020 at 9:50 am

        Thanks! We do have a supplemental materials download with vocabulary in it, but no flash cards right now. Sorry!

    7. Amy on July 23, 2020 at 1:24 pm

      We just watched Lesson 1 Day 1 and were wondering where the words are to make flash cards out of. Is that in the $10 download? Thanks so much!!

      • Betsy on August 5, 2020 at 9:23 am

        You may have found it already, but if I understand you correctly, the CodeBreaker words would be in the download. As a member of Latin with Andy this download is included. I hope that helps!

    8. Grace tong on November 17, 2020 at 4:57 pm

      We already have an account for Latin with Andy for the year. How can I incorporate Code Breakers for extra practice? Thanks!

      • Betsy on November 19, 2020 at 10:18 pm

        In the printables you may find some additional support for this. There’s a couple proposed schedules you can use if you like, or make it your own! It will depend somewhat on what your student needs, of course, so feel free to improvise based on that.

    9. Denise on November 19, 2020 at 7:07 am

      If I purchase the membership, do I also need to purchase the code breakers supplement or is it included?

      Thank you1

      • Betsy on November 19, 2020 at 10:16 pm

        No the code breakers supplemental material is included in the membership. Thanks for your interest! 🙂

    10. Steph on December 31, 2020 at 11:51 am

      Hi There!
      I’m jumping into second semester Latin with my Challenge I student. This begins with Lesson 30 in Henle 1. I was wondering if there are videos or anything to help with Lessons 30-42. I’ve been okay up until this point, but I’ve hit a wall it seems and need some help. Thank you!

      • Andy Strauss on January 12, 2021 at 9:20 am

        Yes indeed! We have videos not only covering the entire Henle 1 book, but also the entire Henle 2 book as well, so your student is set for Challenge 1, 2, and the first semester of Challenge 3 with our program. Moreover, you’ll have access to the LWA Facebook group where you or your student can ask whatever questions you might have about Latin. Let me know if you have more questions! (Also, feel free to email me at I check that email every day, so I’ll be happy to help you out if you need anything)

    11. Tara Rohde on March 3, 2021 at 4:23 pm

      HI Andy and Betsy!
      I survived directing Ch A because of Andy and everyone in my family knows his voice when I’m watching and will say, “oh, is that your friend, Andy?” I send all new people here! I’m wondering if you have a PDF with a list of the Latin vocabulary at least just for Challenge A? I’d love to just have a quick reference sheet. Thanks!

      • Andy Strauss on March 7, 2021 at 7:14 pm

        I’m so encouraged that you have found our videos helpful! And it’s fun to hear I have friends all over! We don’t currently have a reference sheet for vocab, but it’s a great idea! I might consider making one in the future!

    12. Stephanie on May 11, 2021 at 11:07 am

      Hi there! I have a 4th grader and purchased Code Breakers and the Henle flashcards. I was curious if the flashcards mentioned in Code Breakers overlap with the Henle flashcard download? We are in CC, so I know we will need the flashcards eventually, but I was curious! Thanks so much for such a great product!

      • Andy Strauss on June 3, 2021 at 4:25 pm

        Great question! The flashcards in Code Breakers will definitely overlap with Henle vocabulary, but I have also chosen several other latin words to include in Code Breakers. Furthermore, these extra latin words are vocabulary I use consistently throughout my videos about Henle latin!

    13. Jennifer on May 12, 2021 at 7:06 am

      Hi there,

      If I join the yearly subscription of Latin with Andy will that include the worksheets for code breakers or do I have to purchase that separately? Thanks for your help.

      • Betsy on May 15, 2021 at 4:17 pm

        Hi! Yes, a membership includes the worksheets for code breakers. Thanks for checking!

    14. Chelsea Linscott on September 12, 2022 at 11:50 am

      Do Codebreakers only go up to Lesson 5? I was looking for the rest of lessons for Henle 1. I love how they are broken down into days.

      • Andy Strauss on September 26, 2022 at 3:58 pm

        Yes, only through Lesson 5. Code Breakers is meant to serve as an on-ramp for working through Henle 1. If you’re interested in resources for Henle 1, no worries! If you’re not already a member, I have a video that teaches you the concepts in every exercise and lesson you can find. Just check out!

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