Want to Unlock the Excitement of Biblical Greek?
Guess what friends? We're unlocking a new language in the resources we're offering! Andy is developing content to share with you all he knows about Biblical Greek!
In this course, we aim to provide you with the skills to read out loud the original words of God’s love letters to the world. It's a unique experience that is sure to change your life!
Starting with the Biblical Greek Alphabet
The Greek alphabet is used not only in the Greek language but also in various other fields, including math and science. In this course, we start with the basics: the letters of the Greek alphabet, from Alpha (Α, α) to Nu (Ν, ν), and all the way to Omega (Ω, ω). The key to learning a new language is practice, so keep repeating these letters until they become second nature!
Accompanying Lessons and Worksheets
Throughout the course, we'll engage in hands-on learning with a series of lessons, each focusing on a set of letters. For instance, we'll start with Alpha to Epsilon (Αα Ββ Γγ Δδ Εε) and move on to Zeta to Kappa, Lambda to Omicron, Pi to Tau, and finally, Upsilon to Omega.

In each lesson, we'll discuss the name of the letter, provide a helpful English word for reference, and guide you through handwriting the letter. To bolster your learning, we encourage you to download and complete the accompanying worksheets for each lesson.
Exploring Further: Diphthongs, Breathing Marks, and Accents
Once you're comfortable with the individual letters, we'll explore more complex components of Biblical Greek. We will walk through diphthongs, breathing marks, and accents. Then we'll provide reading practices and exercises to ensure you thoroughly understand these concepts. You are not alone!

Assessing Your Learning of Biblical Greek
To evaluate your progress, we've created quizzes for Greek Letter Identification. This will help you gauge how well you've learned the names and shapes of the Greek letters.
Come Learn with us!
Whether you're a student, a scholar, or simply a language enthusiast, this course offers a unique opportunity to connect with the language of the New Testament. By learning to pronounce the original Greek words, you're taking a step towards a more profound understanding of these timeless texts.
Let’s embark on this beautiful adventure with Biblical Greek together!
Betsy Strauss is an unexpected homeschooler, mother of three, who is in a relationship with a sweet man for life. She loves reading books, drinking coffee, and learning anything with her kids.
Do you think this course could count as a language credit?
Hi! What a great question! Right now I’m in the beginning stages of teaching the language, so what I have so far is 17 videos teaching through the alphabet, five quizzes as you go along, and worksheets to help you through. The goal by the end of this course is for you to be able to read the words on your own. The understanding part… we’ll get to that. I’m hoping that one day it will be substantial enough for a language credit, but maybe not just yet. If you want, this course would go really well as an introduction to any Greek textbook you might find. I have a lot of suggestions for Greek textbooks that would be great for self-study and a language credit if you’re interested! “First Form Greek” is a really approachable one for new students!