What’s on my Husband’s Book List

When I asked to see my husband's book list, he replied with some qualifiers:

  • Books I've read?
  • Books I've liked?
  • Books I own?
  • Books I want to read?

I answered, "All of the above!"  My husband is an avid reader, or at least he desires to be, even if he doesn't have the time to be.  Over the years he's found that continuing to read has been such an important avenue for him to continue refining his thinking.

So he complied a list, broken down into categories, of his recommended readings not limited to dads, but most beneficial to dads.  I've included affiliate links below for your convenience.  See my full disclosure policy for more details.

My Husband's Reading List: (in no particular order)

My Husband's Book List

Books on Culture - because a Dad should consider the current context in which his kids live

Fiction - because a Dad should nourish and widen his soul - be imaginative

Devotionals - because a Dad should consistently commit his heart to the Lord

Biographies - because a Dad should see good hearts to imitate

Theology - because a Dad should think deeply about spiritual things

Counseling - because a Dad should know how to shepherd

Parenting/Relationships - because a Dad should consider how to stir one another up to love and good deeds

Education - because a Dad should always be about leading their kids to the truth

History - because a Dad should understand a broader contextual scope for life

Classics - because a Dad should nourish himself with the sustained truths embedded within the stories

What's On My Husband's Book List

Gift giving season is around the corner!  Books make perfect gifts.


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