The Wonder of Worms

Its been a while since I’ve had the opportunity to interact with preschoolers.  Last week we (my kids and I) entertained one of my friend’s kids while she attended a Classical Conversations Practicum. Since I spend most of my time with older kids having conversations, I thought it would be fun to try some of…

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Reading With Your Ears Offers Grace to Young Readers

My son has always loved to read.  When he was little, I didn’t see myself as his teacher-I was still in the mindset of counting down the time until he started Kindergarten.  It wasn’t my job to teach him to read.  We just read a lot together because I love to read.  After he started…

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Latin in the Grammar Stage – Playing with Nouns

Latin in the Grammar Stage Playing with Latin Nouns

In our last adventure together, I gave you my recommendations for materials to use in your study of Latin.  However, if you’re like me, and can’t quite figure out how to get all of the separate workbook studies done in the day, I’d like to offer another option! If you are familiar with the classical approach to…

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Where Do I Begin With Grammar Stage Latin?

Where to begin in Latin Studies

When I started my Latin studies, my son was almost thirteen and would soon be entering Challenge A.  At that point, I was also aware that I would be tutoring Challenge A, and would need to learn Latin with the students from the Henle text.  Eager to accelerate my classical homeschooling, I thought it would…

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Eyes that See

In February, I had the privilege of attending the Great Homeschool Convention in Ft. Worth, TX.  At the convention,  Christopher Perrin and Sarah Mackenzie introduced me to a new aspect of Classical Education:  Schole.  This is a Greek term that means leisurely and contemplative learning. With all of my lists and schedules, learning that is contemplative, ungraded, or…

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