Join the Latin with Andy Membership Site!
Thanks for your interest in joining! Now the big news...we're moving! You can still register on this site, but we have so much more on the Rooted Minds Learning Community.
If you'd still like to join here, select your membership option below...either:
$24 for 3 months of access (non-recurring)
$60 for the year (non-recurring)
After you've registered, click here to jump in and get started! Check in with us if you have any trouble: lwabilling (at) gmail (dot) com. Enjoy!
*New Users may register through this platform until December 2024. We will completely move to our new community space by December 2025, and all memberships on this platform will be closed.*
Our new home is called The Rooted Minds Learning Community. Click here if you'd like to learn more about Rooted Minds
You can login to your Rooted Minds Account here: rooted-minds-learning-community.mn.co.
If you would still like to register here, you can purchase a non-recurring, set amount of months, here:
What a great idea you have here–helping others learn Latin more easily and helping your family make income. Brilliant! Here’s to successful learning and entrepreneurship!
Be blessed.
Do you ever have any discount coupons?
There are discount codes for people who have previously purchased charts or flashcards.
How can I just order the flashcards, and is there a sample I can see?
Looks like you found it – let me know if you have any other questions!
Hi there!
I do not have a stripe or a paypal account. Is there any way I can pay by Visa card?
I know for sure you don’t need to have an account with Stripe. You just use your credit card like normal. You will create your profile and add whatever billing method you would like to use.
Are you offering a discount at this time on the yearly subscription?
Unfortunately we are not. The quarterly subscription is only $24, and you can cancel at any time. You can sign up and even if you cancel the same day you will retain the access you paid for but won’t be charged again. Thanks for your interest in Latin with Andy!
Hi, are all lessons available for the entire year, or do they expire after a certain length of time? Can you view lessons more than once? Thank you for sharing this resource! I LOVE your vocabulary cards!
The membership gives you access to all resources for the term of your membership. You can watch them as many times as you want, or if you have multiple children in different levels, you can start wherever you like. It’s really just a resource library to use as a tool for your learning!
Would these be good lessons for a 7 & 9 yr old (starting our forth year in CC)
It would probably be a bit early. If you’ve made it through a year of Essentials, it will all make more sense. I’ll be sharing a resource in a couple of weeks that will be a great way to ease in to your Latin studies for younger Foundations students.
Thank you for your reply. Essential will be next yr 🙂
Heather, this goes over what they will be learning in Challenge, so I would start in Challenge A.
Would these lessons go well with the new Latin Workspace recommended in Challenge A?
Yes! They are just short videos demonstrating concepts from the exercises in Henle’s First Year Latin. The hope is that seeing the exercise demonstrated will help students understand how to do it with tips for getting the correct answer (and knowing why they’re right)!
We are starting Challenge A next year for my son who has severe dyslexia. How will this work in conjunction with his homework/work for CC in Latin each week?
Thanks so much
These videos just correlate with the exercises that you’re completing in the Henle book. So if you’re assigned a certain number of exercises for the week in Challenge A, you’d just watch the corresponding videos before you complete the exercise. Our goal was to help clear the fog of some of what is expected from each exercise so that you can just focus on the Latin and not always translating the instructions!
Can I view a sample somehow before committing to buy a membership? Thank you!
You can view all of Lesson 1 for free: https://familystyleschooling.com/lesson-1-1st-declension/
These are fantastic! Thank you for all your hard work! I noticed that the youtube vocabulary flashcard videos only go through Lesson 3. Do you plan to make videos for the other lessons? Or is there another place to look for other videos? They are extremely helpful with the pronunciation of the words! Thanks!
Andy has made some more of these, but we just need to upload them! Thanks for the reminder!
If I do the quarterly option and then decide that my daughter loves it and wants to commit to the year, can I use the quarterly payment I made toward changing it into a full year subscription? Thanks!
At this time we have not set up payments to work as an installment plan. That’s not exactly what this is, but similar. Though we understand this legitimate concern, our system is not set up for it. If it’s uncertain how your daughter would respond, I recommend simply going with the quarterly option and upgrading if she does love it. Sorry for any inconvenience!
having trouble registering/paying, says dprp is disabled for you’all. could you give me any advise??? thanks a bunch!!!
Sorry about that! You can either try the other payment option through Stripe, or email me which subscription you’d like, and I’ll send you a personal invoice for the term and set it up manually. betsy @ familystyleschooling.com
My son is headed into Challenge II for CC. Will the lessons correspond with what he is studying and how long do they take to watch?
The videos for Henle 2 are around 7-10 minutes, but cover multiple exercises from the Henle 2 text. There are also reference videos back to concepts from Henle 1 for review. We have the first 8 lessons uploaded at this point, but we should have the whole book completed by the end of September 2018.
Hi there,
Can I view a sample of what the videos are like before I buy a membership? Thank you!
Absolutely! You can check out the videos for Henle 1: Lesson 1 or the Henle 2: Lesson 1.
Hi… if I subscribe will my challenge a student be able to view Henle 1 and my challenge 2 student be able to view Henle 2?
Hello! I have a challenge 2 and challenge A student. Does Andy have videos for level 2? Do you have printable quizzes and tests for A and 2?
Andy does have videos for Henle 2, but only vocabulary quizzes/tests for Henle 1 at this point.
I have tried to print the documents the correlate with the lesson but I can’t. It says too many redirects. Can you help?
I just sent you an email with help!
My school district purchased a subscription for my son using my email, but they paid. They have a special homeschool program. They keep asking me for an invoice email from you. I haven’t seen one come through my emails. Can you resend me one or send one if you haven’t.
I just sent you an email with a link to the receipt. Let me know if you still don’t receive it.
We are a CC family. I was wondering if Andy goes thru every exercise ?
Yes, Andy goes through every exercise “concept by concept”, which just means he explains the Henle concept using different vocabulary. Book one and about half of Henle 2 is complete!
Do you cover Henle II and in what order? I am in the CC Chalenge II program.
Thank you.
We currently have videos through Lesson 18 in Henle II. We are scheduled to release the next few lessons very soon. The Latin with Andy site is more of a resource site, so you can go in any order you want. All the videos are available to you, so no matter where you are in the CC program, you can access the exact videos you need. Andy takes you through each exercise and explains concept by concept. Hope that helps!
Thank you so much for making this astounding website my daughter has truly grown in latin thanks to y’all!!!
Hello, we forgot our password, and it is sending the reset email….thanks!
We have misplaced our login information. Would you be able to help us out? Thank you for your help and your wonderful resources.
You should have received a separate email from us about log in information from billing@latinwithandy.com. Let us know!
We are thinking about doing Challenge 1 for my son next Fall. He’s has no Latin background and hasn’t done CC before. Would this be appropriate in conjunction with the Henle 1 as a crash course between now and next Fall so he will be ready for Challenge 1, or do you have another suggestion to get him ready? Thanks
This will be a great resource! We actually created it to help my nephew who was joining Challenge 1 in the same way as your son. However, unless you LOVE Latin, you have to be okay with a slow and steady approach to learning. This will be a great way to get your feet wet, but have patience in the process! It takes time to learn! Focus on the grammar (how to form nouns and verbs) and vocabulary. Don’t drown in the exercises. He’ll be able to join in the conversations in class with no problem.
Hello Betsy,
I was telling a friend how wonderful this site is. She tried to sign up this weekend and told me that someone that she could not purchase because someone that already has this program has to give a promo code or gift it. Is this correct or is she on the right sight?
Thank you,
She should be able to just register herself. If she has issues, contact billing (at) latinwithandy (dot) com. Sorry about the trouble!
Can I pay in any way other than PayPal or stripe? I do not have either of these accounts. I’d like to have the annual membership.
You don’t have to have an account with Stripe. You can use your credit card like you normally would. Feel free to contact billing@latinwithandy.com with any other questions you may have. Thanks for your interest in the resource!
I’d like to sign up for this, I see you offer a discount for those who have purchased cards and other study materials from you. I have, could you advise me?
The discount should be in the first pages of the file you purchased. If not, send me an email betsy (at) familystyleschooling (dot) com and I’ll send you the code.
Where do you find the hold punch you used on the vocabulary cards? What is it called?
It’s an Arc Punch – like they use in the disc planner systems. I got mine on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2EQI8mB
Just stumbled on this and it looks AMAZING. Kudos to Andy and you. We are not part of the CC family, will this be a problem with the lessons and work? My daughter is just starting Latin this year, 9th grade, and we are taking an extremely slow approach to wet her feet (Getting Started with Latin and the Vocabulary from Classical Roots books) but plan on ramping it up in 10th-12th. A few more questions…is the membership for a family or per person? And is there a schedule provided since I am not CC?
You definitely don’t need to be in CC to enjoy these. They just follow the Henle text book with teaching the concepts giving tips and tricks for tackling the study of Latin. It is a resource library that your whole family can use. You just jump in where you want, go at your own pace, and review as much as you need to. If you’re looking for a schedule, I recommend Memoria Press’s Henle Latin 1 Teacher Manual. It gives you assignment ideas and a pace to get you through the main content. I also really like this resource because it is an easier to read and more thorough answer key to the Henle text.
I’m planning to sign up for the year. I have a Ch2 aged student but Ch2 is not available here. We also didn’t do Ch1 but did do ChA and ChB. Do the videos do every lesson in the Henle book or follow the CC assignments? I had my son work on some this summer and do every lesson because I felt that CC went through them too quickly, but would love for him to be able to follow along for every lesson. Also does the subscription cover everything you offer? I’m thinking he doesn’t need to start at the beginning and he may be starting Henle 2 before the end of the year’s subscription. Thanks for your help!
Latin with Andy is like a resource library, so when you register, you gain access to all the videos and printables all at once. What that essentially means is that you can take whatever pace you would like to take. Along with our new Code Breaker series for beginners, there are videos for every exercise in both the Henle 1 and 2 books (over 500 videos with video companion guides). You will have access to all the printables as well, including noun declension charts, verb conjugation charts, complete vocabulary flash cards for Henle 1, principle parts quizzes, vocabulary quizzes, and other fun extras. The LWA resource does not follow the CC Guide, so go at the pace that fits you, and start where you want!
I was thinking about purchasing Latin with Andy for the year, I was wondering how is it different than all the videos you can find on Youtube?
The videos on YouTube are only the Code Breakers series and some vocabulary videos. All the Henle Lesson exercises are within the membership site
This kid is awesome. I have tested it for a few weeks. Is there any way to convert from quarterly to yearly? Don’t worry. You will have me for a few years (I have 6 kids).
So glad the resource has been helpful! You can upgrade to a yearly by going to My Account after you log in. You will need to know if you paid through PayPal or Stripe – scroll down and you will see links to “Upgrade to a yearly membership here.” Hope that helps!
I’m trying to join quarterly and I can’t get it to go through. I keep getting an error message. I sent an email yesterday but never heard anything about it. Can someone please help me get signed up?? Thanks!
Sorry about that! Try checking your spam box. For some reason billing@latinwithandy.com gets put there. That’s the email the response came from (sent yesterday).
It wasn’t in my junk folder either😖
I forwarded the email to you. You may be getting a “DPRP error” message. If so, it is a fairly rare error on the PayPal side, but most people have success using the Stripe option (you don’t need a Stripe account or anything – just use your credit card like normal). Hope that helps!
If I purchase a quarterly membership can I upgrade to a yearly membership by paying the difference?
Yes, you can upgrade. If you purchase a quarterly membership and upgrade, your yearly membership time will be added on to the end of your quarterly membership time. For instance, if you register for the quarterly membership on October 1, and then upgrade, your yearly membership will start January 1. Hope that helps!
Do you have to use PayPal or Venmo? Can you pay with credit card? Thank you!