5 Habits You Can Develop to Support a Healthy Heart

February is American Heart Month. It is very important for me to cultivate habits for my family to support healthy hearts. Habits don’t have to bring you down. There are fun and creative ways to train up your kids (and re-train yourself) to care for the body you’ve been given. Building heart healthy habits can be…

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A Stunning Map to Track Your Family Travels and More

I have been having so much fun designing and bringing to fruition my home library. Since I have so many books, I knew my wall space would be slim. Nevertheless, there is always room for a beautiful map. I’ve always loved the idea of push pin maps, but I had never seen something that was…

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How To Make A Snowflake With Yarn

Snowflake Art

It’s that time of the year when the weather doesn’t always cooperate for being outside for hours. As we snuggle in and try to keep warm, we love to sit and listen to books on Audible (Try Audible and Get Two Free Audiobooks). Some of us have an easier time sitting still than others. When…

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27 Healthy Party Foods For Super Bowl Sunday

Low Carb Snacks

I was really hoping that my Cowboys would make it back to the Super Bowl this year and I could celebrate with a party. While I’ll still watch the big game, I’ll be comforting myself with healthy party foods that any guest would love, even if they’re not counting their carbs. Here are 27 healthy snacks that…

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Think With Art – A Beautiful Thing

I love it when a plan comes together. We had just started reading Socks, when I was offered an opportunity to try out a Think With Art box. I quickly accepted, because we had tried the Creation Crate a couple months ago and loved it. I was interested to see what the art version would be like.…

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