Fall in Love with the World While Savoring Great Books

Our second year of homeschooling, I researched resources for studying countries and cultures. I wanted to expose my children to the beauty of the world around them, and I didn’t have the budget for world traveling. My extended family is fairly diverse. We have a beautiful blend of nationalities and skin colors, so my children…

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Mixing With the Masters – Famous Artists Inspired Projects

The arts are typically overlooked in our society.  They’re treated as a extra item even though they have a profound impact on how we view the world. Artists and musicians express the philosophies of their time. They communicate what can’t be put into words. As I equip my children to engage with the world, I…

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The Life We Never Expected Review

Imagine attending a beautiful dinner party with a group of friends. Your host appears with gifts for each of you. They’re small tennis ball shaped orbs wrapped delicately with a bow on top. As each of your friends opens their gift, they light up in delight at a delicious chocolate orange. Twenty perfectly segmented slices…

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Broken, Yet Free. Working on Being Unashamed


Over the past five years, my husband and I have been on a journey of healing from brokenness. It’s amazing how you can accept the forgiveness of God, and yet remain ashamed of who you were. I guess that’s not really accepting forgiveness then is it? Believing that God’s grace is sufficient means clothing yourself…

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Simple Skills to Cultivate During Your Summer Break

Summer is my favorite season of the year. It’s restful, fun, and rejuvenating. In farming terms, it’s the time when the crops are growing, and the harvest is soon to come. If you’re a farmer, you can’t just plant your seeds in the spring time and just show up in the fall and expect a…

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