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What’s on my bookshelf: “Everything You Need to Know About” Series
I’ve added affiliate links below, which means by purchasing through these links, the price doesn’t change, but I would receive a little compensation for pointing you in their direction. All of my opinions stay the same with or without your purchase. I love these books! They are a great resource for any student, but if you’re…
Read MorePlaying With Latin Verbs
If you’ve spent any time studying languages, you most likely agree that verbs have the power to humble an eager linguist. As English speakers, we often don’t realize the complexity of meaning that each verb holds, and therefore, rarely understand the fullness a tiny little word can contain. In Cycle 2 in the Foundations program of…
Read MoreLatin in the Grammar Stage – Playing with Nouns
In our last adventure together, I gave you my recommendations for materials to use in your study of Latin. However, if you’re like me, and can’t quite figure out how to get all of the separate workbook studies done in the day, I’d like to offer another option! If you are familiar with the classical approach to…
Read MoreWhere Do I Begin With Grammar Stage Latin?
When I started my Latin studies, my son was almost thirteen and would soon be entering Challenge A. At that point, I was also aware that I would be tutoring Challenge A, and would need to learn Latin with the students from the Henle text. Eager to accelerate my classical homeschooling, I thought it would…
Read MoreChoosing Highlighters
I’ve added affiliate links below, which means by purchasing through these links, the price doesn’t change, but I would receive a little compensation for pointing you in their direction. All of my opinions stay the same with or without your purchase. I’ve been talking about how highlighting has changed the way I think, and how…
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