The Power of Comparison 

I think too often comparison gets a bad rap. Just like chocolate can be bad if misused, comparison isn’t the bad guy, it can just be used in harmful ways. Comparison can be a thief of joy, but it can also be a shepherd of wisdom. What?!  You think I’m crazy don’t you?  I would…

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The Verdant Beauty of a Christmas Tree

Verdant Beauty

Christmas music warms my heart like no other. The lyrics are packed with rich truths that lend themselves to unique opportunities for contemplation year after year. Even songs that are so familiar, ones that you think couldn’t possibly offer new insights, can surprise you with new and exciting truth.  My kids and I stumbled across…

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Latin Verb Conjugation Muscle Memory Conditioning

Feeling beat down by your study of Latin verb conjugation paradigms? I’m in my third year of my Latin studies, and I keep hitting the verb portion of my Henle I textbook feeling like I’ve hit a brick wall. What I’ve realized each time is that my grammar muscles are flabby, and I need to…

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Morning Time in December

I first learned about Morning Time at a CiRCE conference a couple of years ago.  I fell in love with the idea of liturgy in my home; a sort of routine coming before the Lord together as one family, and sharing our love of learning and conversation.  As my family grows up, this together time becomes more…

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15 Great Books You’ll Fall For

15 Great Books

It’s no secret that my family loves books.  Great books can engage budding readers, enrich active imaginations, and encourage godly living.  When books like these cross my path, I love to make sure they become not only a part of our home library, but also a part of our family fabric where quotes, themes, and stories…

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