Beholding Beauty: Doodle With Me

Doodle with me

I am pretty sure it was Andrew Kern who first inspired me to consider the concept of “you become what you behold.” He would follow up this statement with, “Behold the Lamb.” Beauty is relegated to the land of personal preference and therefore often overlooked in its importance for our soul. My daughter is sharing…

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5 Practical Tips for Implementing a NeuroDevelopmental Plan

This week, I’ve been sharing our journey with Brain Sprints and how a NeruoDevelopmental plan (INP) has worked for us. I’ve given you some inside perspectives on how working from a physical, mental, and spiritual perspective can have some powerful ramifications.  Today, I’m wrapping up my series with a very practical “how-to” version of all…

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Spiritual Growth Through Brain Training

This week, I’ve been sharing my journey with Brain Sprints as I worked with my daughter and my husband through a NeuroDevelopmental approach to some of their learning struggles. This isn’t a sponsored post, just us sharing our experience so that others can get help as we did! So far I’ve shared how we stumbled…

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How to Strengthen the Brain by Working the Body

Yesterday, I shared how God led me to Brain Sprints and working with a NeuroDevelopmental therapist to help my youngest (age 15) with her learning struggles. Today, I want to share with you our journey in working out the plan we were given. I have a lot to say, so this will be a week-long…

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