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Computer Science: Hands-On Learning Stations
While flying home from Boston a couple of weeks ago, I had a fascinating conversation with a young college student. She was completing her internship at an architecture firm and we were discussing my son’s future. I shared my son’s love of languages and his interest in science. Quickly, she connected the two fields and asked,…
Read MoreCultivating Curiosity with Documentaries: Hands-On Learning Stations
While watching the TV is by definition, not a hands-on experience, documentaries offer a different way to experience the world around them from the comfort of your home. Each day I have opportunities for my kids to have a snack break and play outside. Even though we live in Texas and most days are good for…
Read MoreInvestigate Nature: Hands-On Learning Stations
Nature is a source of fascination for kids of all ages. There are fascinating patterns, shapes, and colors hiding in the most mundane of items. With a field guide, a magnifying glass, and a microscope, children will find endless sources of fascination. You don’t have to have access to acreage or a creek in your back…
Read MoreEngineering Feats: Hands-On Learning Stations
Engineering has always fascinated and terrified me. One miscalculation and a whole building can fall down or a bridge can collapse. However, it’s successful engineering that has brought us some of the greatest marvels of modern civilization. Kids love to build, so today’s hands-on learning station is going to focus on engineering feats. This post is…
Read MoreBalance Basics: Hands-On Learning Stations
Children are experiencing forces at work in their daily lives as they walk, run, bike, and play. Just because they don’t see the forces, doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Learning some balance basics are a great way to introduce them to many aspects of science such as gravity, force, engineering, and technology. I’m utilizing stations…
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