The Annotated Alice by Lewis Carroll

I’m currently reading Lewis Carrol’s Alice in Wonderland, and it is a treasure trove of plays with language. One of my favorite moments comes from the third chapter, in which Alice finds herself among a group of very political animals washed up on an island. Cold and wet, the Mouse tries to solve the problem by…

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Love and Friendship by Jane Austen

I recently discovered that Jane Austen wrote some lesser known works when she was younger. As I’ve started reading more Austen, these early novels have been one of my favorite finds. Love and Friendship is a treasure in that it gives us a glimpse into Austen’s worldview as a young girl. Understanding more about the…

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The Chosen: A Novel by Chaim Potok

As my daughter started digging into the Hebrew language, I remembered Chaim Potok’s beautiful book, The Chosen, which follows to young Jewish boys in their journey of friendship in New York City during World War II. This book provides a glimpse into two different Jewish families as they wrestle with retaining their faith and religious…

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Surprised By Oxford: A Memoir

“A favorite former teacher of mine claimed that books become more alive not only when read, but when shared,” says Carolyn Weber in the beautifully transparent memoir of her journey in finding the Lord, Surprised by Oxford: A Memoir. A sweet friend shared this book with me, and I totally agree with Weber’s teacher. The…

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Gearing Up for Gardening

While we are far from professional or even proficient gardeners, we try to grow herbs and vegetables every year. Our yard doesn’t offer much room for these endeavors, so we must get creative. I’ve rounded up some of my favorite resources that I look to when planning out our garden.  We recently ran across this…

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