Don’t Just Read With Your Kids

School is back in full swing, and it seems like the time disappears faster every day. Homeschooling is very rewarding, but it can be draining. After a long day of reading aloud, listening to reading, and managing reading, sometimes the last thing you want to do is pick up another book. The secret to not…

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Spread the Word – Road Map Month 10

We’re almost through the Bible. We only have one more month until we reach the end! It is amazing how far we’ve come in such a short time. If you’ve been reading through *most of the Bible in a year with us, you know that the Messiah has come and gone, but he left a helper—the…

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Visit Hoover’s Presidential Museum in West Branch Iowa

Since my mom got us hooked on Presidential Libraries and Museums, we’ve been trying to make our way to all of them. Hoover’s Presidential Library, the oldest president in the system, was our eighth of thirteen to visit. It’s an older library, however it is charming and worth visiting if not for the museum, than…

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Phoenix Stories to Lift Your Thoughts Out of the Ashes

This summer the theme at the writing camp my kids attended was Rising from the Ashes. As I thought through my past two years, I realized that books played a big part in helping me recenter my thoughts on good, true, and beautiful things. When my sister died, it felt like my life turned upside down.…

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High School Health and Nutrition Course From a Biblical Worldview

My middle daughter has her eye set on nursing as a profession. It’s a perfect fit for her because she loves caring for people, blood doesn’t make her squeamish, and she likes to stay busy. I think nursing is a great job because of its flexibility and practicality. With that in mind, I’ve been trying…

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