Home School Resources
Strengthen Your Reading Muscles with the Classics
I recently enjoyed a debate with some teenagers about what makes a good book. We were reading a classic with which they were struggling to connect. This started a lively discussion on the merits of reading this book. Was it a good book? What makes a book good? My final conclusion was that a book…
Read MoreStrategic Tic-Tac-Toe Board Slam
My son discovered Strategic Tic-Tac-Toe on Cool Math Games when he was younger. It is such a interesting twist on an old favorite. When trying to come up with a new math game for their Challenge IV class, my son and husband collaborated with their class to take the traditional Board Slam (or National Number…
Read MoreThe GPA Trakr : A Better Way to Navigate High School Credits
After graduating my first, I have a good sense of the necessity of keeping good records and having the right info for your transcript. A good friend of mine has come up with a solution: The GPA Trakr. It’s a tool that provides a great way to organize and track your student’s high school career.…
Read MoreLatin with Andy Code Breakers
When we started making Latin videos for Latin with Andy in 2017, we had no idea what we were in for! We have learned so much on our journey, and we’re excited to share a new branch of the Latin with Andy resources: Code Breakers! Andy had the opportunity to work with some younger students…
Read More4 FREE Inspirational Coloring Sheets
I love the pace of summer. Even though we generally have a variety of different events that mess up the routine, the overall pace of summer is restful. The sun slows me down, invites me to soak in its goodness, and reminds me of God’s faithfulness. Sometimes we need reminding of these truths that seemed…
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