Family Life
Good Eats: Countdown to 2016
I love good eats. Sometimes its tough as a homeschooler because your classroom is also in the cafeteria. This means generous access to food at almost all times of day. Yikes! Thankfully this also means when we get our creative juices flowing, we come up with some pretty tasty options…since we’ve been soaking in the…
Read MoreBlog Tools: Coschedule Review
I’m a girl that loves a plan. Even when I started blogging, I needed a place to organize my thoughts, map out what I was doing, and the freedom to adjust as I went. Some people make it look so easy! I have finally found a tool that I love, and I wanted to share…
Read MoreThe Power of Comparison
I think too often comparison gets a bad rap. Just like chocolate can be bad if misused, comparison isn’t the bad guy, it can just be used in harmful ways. Comparison can be a thief of joy, but it can also be a shepherd of wisdom. What?! You think I’m crazy don’t you? I would…
Read MoreChristmas Link-up: 12 Days of Blogmas Grand Finale
For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been partnering with a group of fabulous bloggers to share Christmas ideas, crafts, and recipes. Today is the last of our 12 days, and we’re opening up one grand finale link-up for everyone to share their great Christmas inspirations! Gifts I’ve Received in Participating: Finding new…
Read MoreThe Verdant Beauty of a Christmas Tree
Christmas music warms my heart like no other. The lyrics are packed with rich truths that lend themselves to unique opportunities for contemplation year after year. Even songs that are so familiar, ones that you think couldn’t possibly offer new insights, can surprise you with new and exciting truth. My kids and I stumbled across…
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