Classical Conversations
Adventures in Spelling…and Reading for that matter
I am not a natural speller. I called myself a “creative” speller because I could come up with some pretty outlandish combinations of letters when asked to spell a simple word. With my own struggles looming over me, choosing a spelling curriculum was daunting. I burned through many different curricula because I could never find…
Read MoreHow Highlighting Changed the Way I Think When I Read
Last year, while tutoring Challenge A, one of the greatest tools I learned was Andrew Kern’s highlighting system. It is a color coded process for marking books. Recently, Sarah Mackenzie hosted a webinar where Andrew taught her about the system. It is worth a watch. For those of you who are skeptics about marking in books,…
Read MoreTop 3 Skills Gained in Challenge A
Our family has been a part of Classical Conversations communities since 2010. I homeschooled a year without it, and while I enjoyed being able to guide the direction of our studies, I knew that if I was going to make it through the high school years, I’d need a community. When I found CC, I…
Read MoreWhen Failures Turn into Blessings
With all of the wonderful things I planned that year, we were destined to drop something. That is precisely what happened with our first year using the prescripts.
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