Beholding Beauty – A Homeschool Devotional from Israel

Day 1 Shalom, friends! This summer, I had the opportunity to travel to Israel with my school to walk where Jesus walked. As we begin a new school year, I wanted to encourage you with the blessing that you have in teaching your children. God is greatly honored by your efforts. I pray your year…

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Treehouse: How I Wrote My First LoFi Album

It feels a bit surreal, but I’m calling my first LoFi album “Treehouse.” My vision for this album is to remind my listeners what it’s like to be a child, full of wonder, where everything is new and amazing, where the world is safe enough to explore, and where the mark of Jesus can be…

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Read Widely, Write Wisely

by Andy Strauss Why do we have to read so many books, and write so many papers in school? – these questions hold high popularity among students and rank nearly as high in importance as “what’s the point of math?” This last semester, the second semester of my freshman year at Ouachita Baptist, I took…

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Processing the Coronavirus through Lectio Divina: Holy Reading

Holy reading - Lectio divine

by Andy Strauss There’s been a lot going on lately… I’m sure you can relate. One day I was setting up interviews for on campus ministries and preparing for midterms and the next I was packing up most of my dorm in my silver Honda Fit and leaving campus wondering what had just happened. Have…

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Career vs Calling: What’s the Difference?

What does God want to do with my life? I always assumed this question meant what job does God want me to get, but what if it means so much more? In my first semester of college, several professors challenged my ideas of career and introduced me to the idea of calling. The implications of…

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