Letter Writing: Hands-On Learning Stations

Letter writing is a lost art. Even though I rarely ever get something real in the mail, I always check it hopefully. Just because something is fading away, doesn't mean we should let it. Teaching kids to write letters can bring joy to others and connection with friends and family.

I'm focusing on Language Arts this week in my 31+ Days of Hands-On Learning Stations series, and today is all about letter writing.


1st Challenge of Letter Writing: Who to Write?

It seems like the only type of letter kids are ever encouraged to write is the letter to Santa. While there is nothing wrong with that, generally the letter to Santa is all about what the kid wants. It's self-centered.

In learning the value and importance of writing letters, kids need to know that they are reaching out to bless someone else when they write them a letter. So, who do you want to bless?

  • Grandparents
  • Friends
  • Cousins
  • Aunts or Uncles
  • Pen Pals
  • Elderly friend at church

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2nd Challenge of Letter Writing: What to Write?!

If your students have never written a letter before, start simple. Postcards are a great way to send a message without having to write a whole lot!

Step 1: Start with a greeting.

Address who you are writing to - "Dear ________"

Then greet your audience with a sentence or two:

  • How are you doing?
  • I was thinking about you today and I thought I'd write a note.
  • We are working on letter writing at school today, and I wanted to write a letter to you.

Step 2: Then add the body of your letter.

What would you like to tell your audience?

  • The weather here is ________
  • We are studying ______
  • Last week we did _______
  • I saw this verse and thought of you: (copy a verse from scripture)
  • I saw this quote and thought you would enjoy it: (copy a quote from a book)

Step 3: Conclude

Finish the letter with a closing statement:

  • I hope to see you soon!
  • I hope you have a wonderful day!
  • I miss you, and I hope to talk to you soon!

Then sign your name at the bottom!

3rd Challenge of Letter Writing: Mailing it!

Once your letter or post card is written, take a little time to help your student figure out how to address, stamp, and mail the letter off. This might be a great opportunity for a field trip to the post office.

Just because something is going out of style doesn't mean that you can't take the time to appreciate the art of it, and encourage your kids to reach out with a hand-written note.

Do your kids write and mail letters?

letter writing

Check out more hands-on learning stations inspiration in my 31+ Days of Hands-On Learning series! Check out these other Language Arts station ideas:


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