Beholding His Presence – A Homeschool Devotional from Israel
Day 2
Shalom, friends!
I love hearing about all of the unique ways families work together to learn. One student sent me a picture of his horse helping him with his Latin! It makes my heart happy to know I have a community of people learning with me.
God Is With Us
I’m back to thinking about the temple again and about the blessing it is that Jesus established a new covenant with us, making his temple within each one of us.
And just as it was with the old temple, the old covenant, we still have a high priest. But unlike the old covenant, “we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God.” Hebrews 4:14
Even so, as you are going and seeking to behold, it may be easy to lose sight of your goal. The Enemy will do all he can to keep you from beholding the Son of Man. Even with a mission as great as teaching your children, there may be moments that feel like wilderness.
Wilderness Moments
In Israel, the wilderness is called “the Negev,” which translates literally to just “dry.” It’s pretty accurate since the land receives less than one inch of water annually.
Jesus experienced both a literal and metaphorical wilderness when the Spirit drove him to the desert to be tempted. (Mark 1:12-13)

Being out in the Negev is quite a unique experience. As you’d expect, it’s quite hot… however, the most striking element of the wasteland is the silence. For miles, nothing makes any sound except the feeble murmurings of the wind.
But that’s what the wilderness does. It tries to tell you you’re alone.

You're Not Alone
Jesus endured all this, though, so that we might boldly say:
“We do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
Hebrews 4:14-16
Our high priest needs no ankle bell to enter the Holy of Holies because He Himself is the essence of that Holy place. Our high priest knows our impurities and yet still made a way for us to be purified—together. And our high priest has endured every temptation, every doubt, and has overcome it.

So if you find yourself in a sort of wilderness, big or small…maybe you can see the greenery in the distance; maybe you can’t…don’t hide it. Let Jesus into your struggles, and let your friends and family in too.
As I mentioned before, Jesus uses the things you don’t expect to teach you, and that may be the person sitting next to you or someone new you meet along the way.
Keep your eyes open, and keep your heart humble. Don’t try to overcome sorrow, temptation, or doubt alone. Jesus is too kind to let you do that to yourself. But keep the eyes of your heart open, and draw near to the throne of grace. Sit down there, free from your worries, and behold.
Hi, I’m Andy! I am an Ouachita Baptist University grad who writes stories, teaches languages, and makes music in between. The puzzle and mystery of languages fascinate me and inspire me to dig deeper in my studies. I love to learn and experience God’s creation and share what I have found with others.