Integrated Music Curriculum for Elementary Students

When the Zeezok package arrived I couldn't wait to read through them. I picked up Schubert's biography and couldn't put it down. While simple to read, the story was rich in information and history, bringing the man behind the music to life. That's the beauty of living books.
Integrated Music Curriculum
Zeezok's Music Appreciation Book 1 Collection includes seven composer biographies, a student workbook, an audio companion CD, and a lapbook CD-ROM. The activities that accompany the stories include studies in geography, science, history, Latin, cooking, handwriting, music theory, and much more. We've learned so much more from this integrated music curriculum than just about a handful of composers.
We started our family studies with Bach, which is the composer that is highlighted first in the student activity book. As we read along, we would pause to discuss with the questions included in the activity book. In addition to comprehension questions, each section of reading was complemented with extra fascinating facts as well as character qualities highlighted from the story. I think this was my favorite part of the curriculum.
The story books have the sheet music of the composers integrated into the book. As you are reading along, you can pause and listen to the pieces of music with the companion CD. We had so much fun dancing, marching, and proceeding in like royalty to the music of Bach. It is also encouraged to try to play the music yourself!
Bach really inspired my little piano player to work harder. The way in which he pursued his music was admirable and something unheard of in today's youth.
The copy work in the workbook gives you two options - one for younger students and one for older students. I love that the phrases copied are quotes from Bach and Latin phrases.
Composer Study Lapbooks
I have to admit that I haven't done too many lapbooks with my daughters. That's probably because the last time I tried one, my girls were six and four, neither could read, cut, or glue successfully. I'm so happy that I decided to try the lapbook that accompanied the Bach study because my girls thoroughly enjoyed putting it together.
One of the highlights of this lapbook was the science experiment included. The experiment focused on oxidation and why the Statue of Liberty and St. Michael's Church both have copper that has turned blue/green over time. It was such a simple experiment with great rewards.
All three pennies started out shiny and new. One was placed in water and the other vinegar. Although it took a little longer for our evidence to appear, once it did, we had so much fun investigating the findings. We pulled out our digital microscope and got lost in looking closely at the changes in the penny.
My daughter had just finished writing a report on the Statue of Liberty, so the timeliness of this experiment made it extra fascinating. She used the experiment to illustrate her research into oxidation.
Win the Complete Music Appreciation Year 1 Collection
Zeezok Publishing is giving away the complete Music Appreciation Year 1 Collection to one lucky winner. If you'd like to get your hands on it sooner, you can purchase it now with a 10% discount code from March 7 - 25, 2016 with coupon code ihomeschool16. If you happen to purchase the set before the giveaway ends, and then win, they'll even refund your purchase! No worries about waiting!
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Betsy Strauss is an unexpected homeschooler, mother of three, who is in a relationship with a sweet man for life. She loves reading books, drinking coffee, and learning anything with her kids.